Monday, December 1, 2008

Step-by-Step Plan For Affiliate Marketing Success!

If you're new to Affiliate marketing, you might be somewhat overwhelmed with all the products, channels, marketing opportunities, and hype that you've come across.

One of the toughest hurdles for those new to the business is figuring out where to begin. In fact, the most common reason for failure is not having a viable plan. The second most common reason is not taking action.

Here is an easy, no-cost, step-by-step plan which will get you earning income quickly, build to a few hundred dollars in about 30 days, continue to grow over time, and provide a viable, low-maintanence, sustainable income business model.

It consists of 6 basic steps:
  • Step 1 - Choose a Niche Product
  • Step 2 - Do some basic keyword research
  • Step 3 - Site content
  • Step 4 - Create a minisite
  • Step 5 - Create a blog network
  • Step 6 through… - Into action!
You can see a detailed "how to" for this plan on the Improve Your Internet Marketing blog.

If you follow this plan, it will continue to provide revenue for as long as you continue to ‘prime’ the funnel with new articles or content.

As an added bonus, once you have some steady traffic, even a few months worth, and a little Pagerank, you could flip the site very profitably, pretty quickly & easily!

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