Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Great Squeeze Page

A "squeeze page", or "name squeeze page" is a web page created to capture an email address. Most frequently, these are the 'freebie' pages offering a free report or other download in exchange for a users email address.

Squeeze pages run the gamut from a simple opt-in form on up to elaborate sites with audio and video. The purpose of a squeeze page is to build an email list. The effectiveness of your squeeze page determines in part how successful your list-building efforts will be.

For affiliate marketers, building a list is crucial, so the importance of your squeeze page can't be underestimated. I recently came across one of the best squeeze pages I've ever seen.

The site is not a traditional Internet Marketing site, but rather a general ecommerce site. Here is a post from Internet Marketing blog where I discovered this amazing squeeze page!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interview with SpeedPPC developer Jay Stockwell

I read a candid and revealing interview with SpeedPPC developer Jay Stockwell, who talks about the just-released SpeedPPC v3. Interesting to note the original idea for this PPC software came while he was in a bar!

By all accounts, if you do much Pay Per Click, you should check out this software. Claims are that it will allow you to automate creation of super-optimized, high Quality Score ad campaigns for Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing (YSM), Microsoft Adcenter, and about 10 other PPC search engines.

Check out the interview, and visit the SpeedPPC web site.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

SpeedPPC releasing Version 3 on April 8

SpeedPPC is releasing Version 3 on April 8th. This amazing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) tool allows you to create high Quality Score ads using tightly-focused adgroups and long-tail keyword lists.

You can see a "sneek peak" of the upcoming version here: SpeedPPC v3.

There is also a good review of the underlying SpeedPPC software on this Internet Marketing blog, along with a link to get a $100 discount on the software.