I have to admit it: I've been in this business for a long, long time - especially in terms of "Internet Time". In fact, I've been doing business online since before the Internet was even here! Anyone remember the days of BBS's (Bulletin Board Systems), "sysops", Compuserve, The Source, Radio Shack Color Computers and cassette tape for storage?
Hah! I'm aging myself again. The point however is that I've been doing this for a long time, and had the opportunity to do it all.
Currently, the bulk of my business revolves around Affiliate Marketing. And that's not an accidental occurrence. Having tried and worked at virtually every online business model, I've developed my own goals and objectives. One of my chief aims is to lower my work-to-revenue ratio.
What I mean is that I prefer to work less hours, and earn more money. Duh! Well, that's the reasoning behind my affiliate stuff. It gives me the most leverage in terms of my time, and what it nets me.
Below is an article I felt might be worthwhile and timely. It discusses how to leverage your time and effort as an affiliate. Take heed and do as the title suggests!
Affiliate Marketing Work Smarter Not Harder
by John P Haskel
One of the main reasons people get into Internet marketing or affiliate marketing is because they believe they can make good money and put in less time than they do at their regular job. However, most people find that they put in more time and make less money than they did at their regular job.
Is it really possible that you can get more free time through Internet Marketing? All the big names tell us it is possible, but how can it happen?
The first thing you need to do is to make sure you have your own search engine optimized website. If you decide to do this yourself you'll need to make sure you do research so you optimize your site for the key words you want to target. Or you can hire a web designing company to do this portion for you.
Once your site is fully optimized and ranking well in the search engines then your website can pretty much run by itself and earn you an income. At that point you could start yet another website.
However, you may not be high in the search engines yet and need other ways to put your business on auto-pilot.
If you really like to automate your affiliate business you could do this by setting up your own affiliate program. By doing this you'll have other people selling your products and you only have to pay them when they make a sale. You must also take into consideration that you can not simply pay your affiliates $5.00 or even $10.00. More than likely you'll need to pay your affiliates a commission of approximately 50 percent. With that percentage you'll be able to get affiliates to promote your product.
By offering your affiliates a 50/50 split they will be more enthusiastic about promoting your products or services. One thing you should not do is raise the price of your product in order to cover the costs of paying your affiliates. By keeping the price where it is and by recruiting affiliates you'll make more money in the long run with quantity.
Now, when it comes to running your own affiliate program, there are many different options on how to get started. You could either search online for a software program that keeps track of affiliate sales and run this software from your own server. Or for most people the best bet is to join the company called clickbank. This company takes care of paying your affiliates, paying you your profits, and can even help you find affiliates for your program.
In fact, for many marketers, Clickbank is a real favorite because it truly allows you to automate your business! They handle everything for you - taking payment, paying the affiliate and paying you, allowing you to really put your business on auto-pilot and achieve the elusive dream of making money whilst you sleep.
In closing, the best possible way to automate your Internet marketing and affiliate marketing is to start your own affiliate program. You can find information online that can help you to start automating your Internet marketing and affiliate marketing income.
Find out more about having your own (http://1stbusinessreview.com) internet business at our website, the only topic we cover is: (http://1stbusinessreview.com) start an internet business.
If you're not working smarter, it's time to reevaluate your processes. After all, in this business, time truly is money. Not only should you be getting more money if you're putting in more effort, but you should be able to increase your productivity by optimizing your business.
If this was helpful for you, please feel free to leave a comment. Even more importantly, if you can add to the conversation, if you have any of your own suggestions or methods to work smarter, we'd love to hear them.
Drop that comment and suggestion. And if there is something you'd rather be reading here, I'm all ears and open to suggestions myself!
The 5 Hindrances To Spiritual Growth
10 months ago
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