Almost every marketer talks about article marketing these days. It has become a chief strategy for Internet. Due in part to the popularity of the "bum marketing" method, article marketing has two significant characteristics: it works, and it's free.
There are two important benefits for Internet marketers. First, it generates valuble IBL's, or Inbound Links. Secondly, it provides greater exposure for the marketer and their website.
Just like the other bum marketing strategies, article marketing is all about numbers. It's effectiveness relies on consistent and ongoing effort. A single article has limited benefit, however daily submissions have an overall benefit greater than the sum of its parts.
Maximizing your article submission strategy means targeting a single keyword or phrase, one per article. It's equally important to optimize each article, similar to each page in a website. In fact, each article acts as a one-page mini site.
You optimize an article for the search engines the same way you would for a web page. Put your keyword or phrase in the article title, as the beginning of the first paragraph, the beginning of the last paragraph, and for the anchor text in your link or resource box.
By following a few simple steps, you will gain maximum return for your effort. As part of a multipronged approach, article marketing becomes an extremely effective and inexpensive technique in your arsenal.
The 5 Hindrances To Spiritual Growth
10 months ago
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