Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interview with SpeedPPC developer Jay Stockwell

I read a candid and revealing interview with SpeedPPC developer Jay Stockwell, who talks about the just-released SpeedPPC v3. Interesting to note the original idea for this PPC software came while he was in a bar!

By all accounts, if you do much Pay Per Click, you should check out this software. Claims are that it will allow you to automate creation of super-optimized, high Quality Score ad campaigns for Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing (YSM), Microsoft Adcenter, and about 10 other PPC search engines.

Check out the interview, and visit the SpeedPPC web site.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I can suggest some improvements to Speed PPC. Why generate physical pages? You could just use URL Rewriting.

Working on my own sofwtare to automate adwords at