Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Affiliate Radar - Effective PPC Keyword Tracking Tool?
In my blog, Improve Your Internet Marketing, I spend a lot of time going over the basics Internet marketing, as well as the tools that can help to achieve success. I stress the importance of keyword research, particularly for Affiliate Marketing. But even the best keyword research is blinded if you cannot track individual keywords. And while Google offers tracking within Adwords, it often requires code to be placed on the product sales page, which is a problem if you're marketing someone else's product through Clickbank, Commission Junction, ModernClick, or any of the other affiliate networks.'> [more...]
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
SpeedPPC, the most powerful PPC System - EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT!
SpeedPPC, is easily the most extraordinary, powerful PPC system available, is a bargain at $497. Which makes it IRRESISTABLE at $397!!
Readers of this blog or Melanies Tips already know we manage our own in-house Internet Marketing practice with over 5 years continuous success. You also know we only promote the tools and products we use ourselves. Well, SpeedPPC is possibly the single application responsible for more of our revenue than any other. So much so that once we got our arms around it, we brought in another full-time assistant just to free up more time to take advantage of it’s incredible power!
(You can read our post detailing the incredible things SpeedPPC can do HERE.)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Getting your new site indexed is the first step in the ranking process. One of the things you should make sure to do is create a sitemap and submit it to Google through “Webmaster Tools”. Google will send it’s spider to crawl your site and index it, or add it to the search database. Nothing happens with ranking until you are indexed.
Here’s a slick little trick that is the fastest way to get your site indexed. (By the way, that screen-shot shows my sites at positions #1, #2, #3, and #4 on a search term returning 22 million pages!) [Read more →]
Friday, November 23, 2007
Improve Your Internet Marketing, the blog devoted to beginner and pro Affiliate Marketers and home of Melanies Tips Internet Marketing email newsletter, now publishes Quickies, a new series of quick, easy money-making and money-saving ideas for IM'ers.Most recently, Improve Your Internet Marketing posted two Quickies: a 5-step plan to create revenue with no money and very little time, and a Foreign Language Ebook opportunity.Make sure you subscribe to Melanies Tips at:!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Traffic is the lifeblood of any Internet Marketing business. Without it, nothing else matters. And so when John Reese's released BlogRush last week, I "Rushed" to check it out!We've already seen a bump in traffic at Improve Your Internet Marketing!If you have been living under a rock and don't know who John Reese is he is perhaps the most successful and influential Internet marketer today.BlogRush is their newest product. It's a widget that you install on your blog in less than five minutes. The widget shows headlines from other people in the BlogRush network. Every time someone clicks on the widget, you get credit in the network. The more times your widget shows and the more times people click on it the more credits you get.When someone clicks on the widget and installs it on their blog, they become your downline and you get credit on their credits.You can see the BlogRush widget on this blot on the right-hand side. Go ahead and click on it. You'll see that it opens in a new window so visitors aren't even leaving your blog.If you haven't already,and install BlogRush on your blog right away!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A few months ago I wrote an article with that title. It drew lot of attention and criticism. But it’s important to understand the premise. When you create an ad campaign in AdWords, each of your keywords has a Minimum Bid that you must meet in order to trigger your ad for that keyword. One of the ongoing objectives for any campaign, is to pay as little as possible, while getting the best conversion. [Read more →]
Monday, November 19, 2007
Internet Marketing: What Every Beginner – and Pro - Needs To Know
If you’re new to Internet marketing this post will cover some of the basics and business fundamentals that you need to know. Specifically in this article we will talking about how to evaluate which products and information are right for your business, the number one most important thing to success in Internet marketing, and finally a basic understanding of how all Internet businesses work. This post should give you some important insight, and make you realize that Internet marketing is a business. [Read more →]
Friday, November 16, 2007
For tips and tricks on creating a niche using ad spying visit Improve Your Internet Marketing's website. For me, the most challenging aspect of Internet marketing is finding and researching niches that I can actually make money in. How do you go about finding a good niche? How do you do research? What criteria makes a niche “good”? I get asked a lot by friends who are just starting out. A “good” niche should have multiple opportunities to sell, enough interest to make it worth pursuing, and of course low enough competition to make it viable.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
If you’ve read this blog in the past, you know my philosophy – it all begins with good keyword research. Whether you’re doing minisites, PPC, article marketing, etc., good keyword research is the single most important factor in success.
Niche research is one of those areas who’s success pivots around keyword research. [Read more →]
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Google Keyword Research “Trick”
If you’ve read this blog in the past, you know my philosophy – it all begins with good keyword research. Whether you’re doing minisites, PPC, article marketing, etc., good keyword research is the single most important factor in success.
Niche research is one of those areas who’s success pivots around keyword research. [Read more →]
Friday, November 9, 2007
In this article I will explain exactly how to get the most out of your marketing with several specific kinds of follow up strategies. I will breakdown the importance of building a list and how to use it to get a maximum return on investment. After reading this article, you'd have to be brain dead not to get at least one profit generating idea.
First, if you don't capture their information, you can't follow up. The money is in the list. There are several ways to build a list, but it all comes down to one thing: exchange. In other words, you have to give a compelling reason for a customer to give you personal information. They have to get something in return. If you're in a hot niche, the reason might be just so they can "stay current". If you're in a very competitive niche, you might have to do it with an all out bribe. Give something away that they cannot resist, and you'll have people giving you permission to email them.
With that, let's look at the psychology of the follow-up briefly. One of the most important reasons people buy is because of timing. Here's an example: your prospect's boss really jumped on his case that day. He just got home and he's still seeing red because of his boss. He opens his email and finds a message on "how to make money on the Internet so you can quick your day job!". Perfect timing.
But what if that didn't happen? Let's say he found your website last week when he was only mildly annoyed. And you didn't follow up. You probably lost a sell.
Other ways you lose sells by not following up: bad timing. Your prospect wants to buy but his wife is nagging him telling him to cut the lawn. He puts off buying, thinking he'll come back to it later. He never does. But how convenient would it have been to remind him?
So here's the first big secret. If you do nothing else but send out the same message to your prospect again, you'll make more sales! All due to timing. So if you have nothing to say on a follow up, just write a brief paragraph saying, "Hey, just in case you didn't get a chance to read this last time, here it is again..."
What other ways should you follow up? One of my favorites is to follow up tying your message to the news. Is there a way you can relate your message to something going on that people are talking about around the water cooler? You can also follow up with more educational information to help your customer make a purchasing decision, with more gifts or simply to ask them some questions.
There is one group of people you should make a very specific plan to follow up on: Your past customers. It's simple. These are people who at one point trusted you enough to give you money. And here's something else: No matter what you sell, there is always something complimentary to it that a percentage of your customers will also purchase if given the right reasons. This means you need to be following up with your customers so you can sell more things to them. Otherwise, if you don't they will go and buy from someone else. You don't want that do you?
So in conclusion, you must make following up deliberate and systematic if you really want to get the most out of your marketing. It is where the most chance for profit windfall is in Internet marketing.
Michael Ullman is the President of Analogy Marketing(, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing firm. Mr. Ullman is also a Google Certified Adwords Professional, has taught at American University, and lectured at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC
Thursday, November 8, 2007
If you've read a handful of sales pages or information about making money on the Internet, you've probably had your skepticism alarm kicked in. That's because of either hype, flat out lies or half-truths. Usually what you're reading a sales page is a best case scenario. How often do things go perfectly planned in your life? I thought so. Evaluate all information with an extra layer of skepticism. That doesn't mean you should discount it -- only that you should know that what you are reading is likely to be a best case scenario. Being able to have the proper viewpoint means that once you apply the information you purchase or read about, you won't get frustrated right away and quit.
Secondly, creating a great product and making a very functional website doesn't matter one lick if you can't get people to look at it. Traffic is the most important thing for your success in Internet marketing. If you are going to make money, you need to know how to bring in traffic. You can either pay for traffic, if you have the budget, you can get high rankings in search engines for select terms, or you can utilize other strategies such as article writing and posting on free classified ads to bring traffic to your website. But some how you must familiarize yourself with basic ways of traffic generation, and then determine which ones you will use to get people to come to your website. This is by far the most important thing in Internet marketing.
Lastly, in order to run your business successfully, you must know how to run a business successfully. It would be very smart to take a few books from the library on business plans. Learn about supply chains, and customer service in addition to marketing. If you can't manage your resources and time, than all the inquiries you get about your products and services from your marketing will fall apart as you begin to handle them. I cannot stress this enough -- you should create a business plan to save you time and maximize your potential for profit.
With the proper skeptical attitude toward the products and information you read, a good traffic generation strategy and a sound business plan, you'll be ahead of 95% of people in the Internet marketing arena. The reason most people fail at Internet marketing is because they give up too early. The reason they give out quickly is because they have no long-term vision. By doing all the above, you'll cultivate a long-term vision and you will also use your time and resources much better.
Michael Ullman is President of Analogy Marketing(, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing company. Analogy Marketing focuses on Affiliate Marketing, and markets the tools they use in-house to other Internet Marketers.